#35 Cherry Chan Nickname: CaniMa Year: 4th Hometown: Vancouver BC, Canada Ethnicity: Chinese Major: Undeclared (Intended Environmental Econ/PreHas) Other Involvements: AFX, Canadian Student Association Likes: Midnight blue-ish purple, red, black, chinchillas, K-dramas, Game of Thrones, DEAN, Lee Dong Wook Big: Anna "Columba" Hwang
#37 Jeanie Won Nickname: Cozi Year: Alumni Hometown: San Ramon, CA Ethnicity: Korean Major: Pure Mathematics Major & Math/Science Education Minor Other Involvements: Celli at Berkeley, The Music Connection, Living Water Likes: Pastel pink, golden retriever, puppies, spaghetti & meatballs, Criminal Minds, Friends, Drake & Josh, Kpop, R&B, ballads, Christian music Big: Marielle "Madonna" Isla "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity" - 1 Timothy 4:12
#36 Jasmine Chen Nickname: Roselato Year: 4th Hometown: Beijing, China Ethnicity: Chinese Major: Political Science Other Involvements: AFX, Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association, Global VR Video Community Likes: Traveling, tennis Big: Anya "Rosun" Fang