#51 Joyce Talavera Nickname: Euterpe Year: 3rd Hometown:Highland Park, Los Angeles Ethnicity: Pilipina Major: Political Science // Urban Studies Other Involvements:Matriculate, bridges, Pilipinx Academic Student Services (PASS) Likes: Education, binge-watching Netflix, going to coffee shops, making playlists with obscure titles Big: Grace "Marici" Wang
"This too shall pass."
#53 Sylvia Li Nickname:Āzdreá Year: 4th Hometown: Chongqing, China Ethnicity: Chinese Major:Applied Mathematics, data science Other Involvements: AFX, SWS Likes: Traveling! Concerts! Museums! Big: Allison “Austri” Yao
#55 Rebecca Wang Nickname: Xorvyx Year: 4th Hometown: Walnut, CA Ethnicity: Taiwanese Major:Environmental Economics and Policy Other Involvements: Taiwanese Student Association, Alpha Chi Sigma, Golden Records Likes: Swimming, Blogging, Sleeping, Huskies, Dogs andCats, Cooking and Baking, Food Big: Anna “Columba” Hwang
"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence" - Confucius
#52 Ivy Jasminne Lopez Nickname: melessí Year: 4th Hometown:Huron, CA Ethnicity:Mexican Major: Molecular Environmental Biology Other Involvements: Pre-Vet Club Likes:Drawing, puppies, nature, appreciating art Big: Michelle “avisody” He "Imagine pleasant nonsense" - Nathan W Pyle
#54 Kimberly Chua Nickname: Foraci Year: Alumni Hometown: Rancho Cucamonga, CA Ethnicity: Filipino-Chinese Major:Economics Other Involvements: bridges Multicultural Resource Center, AFX, PASS Likes: hanging out with friends, dancing, sleeping, COFFEE!! Big: Ceci "CanVena” Vu
"A true diva is graceful, and talented, and strong, and fearless and brave and someone with humility." - Beyonce
#56 Chloe Lee Nickname: Tori Year: 4th Hometown:Seoul, Korea Ethnicity: Korean Major:History Other Involvements: Tennis Likes:tennis, reading, brunch, traveling Big: Tina "Josephine" Nguyen